Beach Baby
Isaac is a water baby through and through. We've known it for awhile now. His enthusiasm for pools and tubs is extraordinary. This was his first time at a beach. A Minnesota kind of beach. We'll get him to the ocean soon enough. But here he was able to propel himself via a floaty device, and even partook of some sand.
This wasn't Josh's first Father's Day. Isaac arrived just in time for that last year. But last June was surrounded by a lot of fear and sadness over Isaac's early entrance. So it was difficult for Josh to celebrate the day, other than being the first person to kangaroo with the boy. Now there is much to celebrate, and it has been fun to watch my husband turn into this fun loving goof of a guy who relishes making our little boy laugh.
11 Month Boy
(Due to technical difficulties, this post is a couple of days overdue. Better late than never, right?)
Isaac turned 11 months old on Friday. I am one stupified mom. This boy has gone through so much, and yet it has gone by in a flash. He is now crawling briskly and even pulling himself up on everything that stands still. The noises and laughter abound. BabababDadada...but no Mamamma. What's with that??? We are constantly amazed at how happy this guy is. He hasn't had the time to become jaded by life. I really hope that he stays that way. Isaac, we love you and will look forward to the coming months and years...
He just keeps getting better...
Isaac will turn 8 months old on Sunday.
Where has the time gone? It's hard to keep track with sleep deprivation and all.
The 17 pounder has always loved to be on the move, but now he's able to do it on his own. Let's not call it crawling just yet, but he's doing his best to roll and scoot- making it impossible to turn our backs.
In some ways I miss the sleepy, snuggly baby that he used to be, but the fun is just beginning!
Open mouth, Enter foot
This is Isaac discovering his feet for the very first time at Grandpa Gene's house on Saturday. He was very determined to make the connection and prevailed, triumphantly slurping away at his toes. Way to go, Ike!
Isaac's 7 month stats:
Weight - 16lbs!!
Height - 24.5in
And some of his latest activities:
- Likes sticking fingers (anyone's), toes and random objects in his mouth.
- Has rolled over several times, but only when his mom was not in the room.
- Exuberantly expresses his emotions, from squeals of delight to agonizing wails.
- Talks up a storm - if only we knew what the heck he's saying.
- Needs to be on the move at all times, preferably in the comfort of someone's arms.
- Enjoys listening to music, especially Bob Marley.
- Wakes up a couple of times per night just to make sure that mom & dad are still nearby.
- Gobbles up rice cereal and is hoping his mom will give him oatmeal soon, too.
- Loves it when his dad hangs him upside down and makes him a "flying baby."
De-lurk or Die!
That's the way we like it
The boy's been a bit fussy lately. It's hard to complain because he's not colicky by any means, but it does wear on a mother/father/grandmother.
That's why it's so nice when he cracks a smile and sticks out his tongue. Makes it worth the extra effort.
(T-shirt courtesy of Urbanbino. See link at right for more info)